A tool that I was really proud of possessing was my switchblade. This is noticeable because I always have my blade with me; I really think that that it makes me look tough. Also, because of the fact that I get more secure when having a switchblade in case I’m jumped by Socs. For me it really is a vital item, as it helps me in several different aspects. It benefits me greatly because we, Greasers, live in a very vulnerable neighborhood, where we can be jumped by Socs at any time, as it happened with Johnny and Ponyboy. Due to this vulnerability, the best thing that Greasers can do to defend ourselves is by having blades, like the one that I own.
Something that I don’t want to do with my switchblade is kill a Soc. I don’t want to kill a Soc because I know that I’ll go to jail, which is something that no Greasers want. It is very common for a Greaser to go to jail, as I have already gone once when I was with Sodapop (a friend of mine who is in the same gang as I am), doing mid air flips in a down town sidewalk. We were judged for disturbing the public and the police. Something that happened that made me really sad is that when my good ol’ bud Dally was trying to get out of the hospital, I lent him my blade. On the same day, when he was shot and killed by the cops, he was with my blade. The cops refused to give me my blade back, and I was really disappointed, because it took me so much effort to steal that blade. I was even more disappointed by the fact that I lost three of my friends (my buddies Johnny and Dally, as well as my beloved blade). In that night I lost almost everything that I had once liked, but I’ll never forget them, and will always like them.
Me with my switchblade
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